May 2019: Broadly stable The downward trend of the European Foundry Industry Sentiment is diminishing. This is in contrast to the decrease of the Business Climate Indicator for the euro area. Both current status and expectations of the European Foundry...
CAEF Forum at GIFA 2019Friday, 28 June 2019Messe Düsseldorf, GermanyHall 13 D 04 Finalised Programme now available The focus of the Lecture Forum will be on strategy and management topics related to the Foundry Industry....
With the call for the re-activation of the Technical Working Group (TWG) in July 2018, the revision of the BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document) for the Smitheries and Foundries was launched. The TWG is the crucial panel in the BREF review...
April 2019: Current situation and perspectives under pressure The European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) illustrates that the foundries are increasingly confronted by a downward trend. This development is similar to the declining...