European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Decem­ber 2020: European foundries close the crisis year with a cau­tiously pos­it­ive signal After the European Foundry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) took a break in the recov­ery pro­cess in the pre­vi­ous month, it increased mod­er­ately again at the end of the...

CAEF reviews the EU-UK-Agreement

At the end of 2020, shortly before the end of the post-Brexit trans­ition period, nego­ti­ations between the UK and the EU have seen a new dynamic. As a res­ult of com­plex nego­ti­ations, and after both parties had once again expressed their strong com­mit­ment to...

General Secretariat
CAEF - The European Foundry Association

Hansaallee 203
40549 Düsseldorf

tel: +49 (0)211 6871 291
fax: +49 (0)211 6871 40291