NEPSI released revised Good Prac­tice Guide

The safety and health of employ­ees in foundries has top pri­or­ity. Fur­ther improv­ing the high stand­ards is a vital part of our activ­it­ies. There­fore, we sup­port the European Net­work for Silica (NEPSI) and par­ti­cip­ate in their bien­nial report­ing. NEPSI...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Janu­ary 2021: European foundries start the new year with a pos­it­ive momentum After the European Foundry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) already closed the pre­vi­ous year with a pos­it­ive sig­nal, it increased by sig­ni­fic­ant 1.1 index points in Janu­ary. This...

General Secretariat
CAEF - The European Foundry Association

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40549 Düsseldorf

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