March 2019: Political uncertainties are limiting the perspectives
The European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) has passed the economic peak in September 2018. Compared with the Business Climate for the whole industry in the Euro area, the foundry industry nearly follows a similar trend: After a long-term steady and growth oriented tendency till the beginning of 2018, the current business situation is continuously good. On the other hand, the expectations for the next six months are slightly under pressure. This can be traced back to distinct reasons and geopolitical uncertainties: The decision about possible US-tariffs for European passenger cars as well as components is still pending. In addition, the probability of a Hard Brexit is increasing day by day.
The FISI – European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator – is an early indicator of the European foundry industry performance. It is published by the European Foundry Association (CAEF) every month and is based on survey responses of the European foundry industry. The CAEF members are asked to give their assessment of the current business situation in the foundry sector and their expectations for the next six months. The FISI is the earliest available indicator, providing information about the mood in the foundry industry.
The BCI – Business Climate Indicator – is an indicator published by the European Commission. The BCI evaluates development conditions of the manufacturing sector in the Euro Area every month and uses five balances of opinion from industry survey: production trends, order books, export order books, stocks and production expectations.
Sophie Steffen
Secretary Commission for Economics & Statistics
phone: +49 211 68 71 — 301