Chiara Danieli (France) President of EFF

Chiara Danieli (France) Pres­id­ent of EFF

Sofia, Bul­garia — CAEF is pleased to announce the suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of its annual Coun­cil Meet­ing, held in Sofia, Bul­garia. The meet­ing, atten­ded by rep­res­ent­at­ives from lead­ing foundry asso­ci­ations across Europe, sees the adop­tion of crit­ical decisions made to reshape the association’s future.

Fore­most among the sig­ni­fic­ant devel­op­ments is the decision to rebrand the asso­ci­ation, which will be from 2024 onwards be known as the European Foundry Fed­er­a­tion (EFF). This change reflects the fed­er­a­tion’s renewed com­mit­ment to for­ti­fy­ing its pres­ence and influ­ence within the European foundry industry.

Under­pin­ning this trans­form­a­tion is a newly estab­lished gov­ernance struc­ture. A pres­id­ent has been elec­ted to lead the fed­er­a­tion for a three-year term, sup­por­ted by a board com­posed of the pres­id­ents of major European foundry asso­ci­ations. Chiara Danieli (France) is elec­ted pres­id­ent of the EFF; her exper­i­ence and know­ledge of the industry are vital for the chal­lenges ahead.

The newly formed board com­prises esteemed mem­bers, each serving as the pres­id­ent of their respect­ive fed­er­a­tions in Ger­many, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Tur­key. They guar­an­tee wealth of expert­ise and lead­er­ship to the EFF. This dynamic lead­er­ship team is poised to steer the fed­er­a­tion towards new hori­zons and unpre­ced­en­ted accomplishments.

Handshake between the former CAEF President 2023 (Milko Milanov from Bulgaria) and the newly elected President of EFF (Chiara Danieli from France).

Hand­shake between the former CAEF Pres­id­ent 2023 (Milko Mil­anov from Bul­garia) and the newly elec­ted Pres­id­ent of EFF (Chiara Danieli from France).

The primary object­ive behind these changes is to bol­ster the organ­isa­tion’s vis­ib­il­ity and estab­lish it as a reli­able, author­it­at­ive voice for the European foundry industry. In a cli­mate marked by evolving chal­lenges and for­mid­able com­pet­i­tion from mul­tiple coun­ter­parts, coupled with the imper­at­ive to aug­ment indus­trial capa­city, the foundry sec­tor recog­nizes the urgent need for amp­li­fied rep­res­ent­a­tion in the polit­ical arena of Brussels.

The European Foundry Fed­er­a­tion (EFF) is ready to rise to the occa­sion, lever­aging its renewed struc­ture to nav­ig­ate the com­plex­it­ies of a rap­idly chan­ging industry land­scape. By becom­ing a uni­fy­ing force, the fed­er­a­tion aims to gal­van­ize the foundry sec­tor towards greater innov­a­tion, sus­tain­ab­il­ity, and com­pet­it­ive­ness on the European stage.



Back­ground inform­a­tion on CAEF:

CAEF is the umbrella organ­isa­tion of the national European foundry asso­ci­ations. The organ­isa­tion, foun­ded in 1953, has 22 European mem­ber states and works to pro­mote the eco­nom­ical, tech­nical, legal and social interests of the European foundry industry. At the same time, CAEF imple­ments activ­it­ies which aim at devel­op­ing national foundry indus­tries and co-ordin­at­ing their shared inter­na­tional interests. The Gen­eral Sec­ret­ariat is situ­ated in Düs­sel­dorf since 1997.

CAEF rep­res­ents 4 400 European foundries. Nearly 260 000 employ­ees are gen­er­at­ing a turnover of 39 bil­lion Euro. European foundries are recruit­ing 20 000 work­ers and engin­eers per year. The main cus­tomer indus­tries are e.g. the auto­mot­ive, the gen­eral engin­eer­ing and the build­ing indus­tries as well as the elec­trical engin­eer­ing industry. No indus­trial sec­tor exists without using cas­ted components.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion at and CAEF LinkedIn.

CAEF Con­tact:

Johannes Kappes
phone: +49 211 68 71 — 291

General Secretariat
CAEF - The European Foundry Association

Hansaallee 203
40549 Düsseldorf

tel: +49 (0)211 6871 291
fax: +49 (0)211 6871 40291