European Foundry Industry Sentiment

April 2020: The coronavirus crisis affects the European foundries more neg­at­ively than the mood may indic­ate While the coronavirus spread around Europe, the COVID-19 pan­demic affected the health care and the socio-eco­nomic sys­tems of the European coun­tries to...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

March 2020: First impacts of COVID-19 Before the out­break of the coronavirus pan­demic, expect­a­tions indic­ated an end to the indus­trial slow­down. But in March the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator decreased. The assess­ment of the cur­rent...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Novem­ber 2019: Ongo­ing down­ward trend The European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment fell slightly in Novem­ber. The European foundries are still not sat­is­fied with their cur­rent busi­ness situ­ation. Their expect­a­tions for the next six months are muted in...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Octo­ber 2019: Are per­spect­ives bot­tom­ing out? The European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment fell slightly in Octo­ber. The European foundries´ assess­ment of the cur­rent busi­ness situ­ation was some­what worse than in the pre­vi­ous month. By con­trast, the...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Septem­ber 2019: Busi­ness cli­mate still under pres­sure The busi­ness cli­mate in the European foundry industry drops slightly in Septem­ber. Foundries were once again less sat­is­fied with their ongo­ing busi­ness, and their expect­a­tions for the next six months...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

August 2019: A stable eco­nomic envir­on­ment is required The European foundry industry sen­ti­ment did not improve in August. Both, the assess­ment of the cur­rent situ­ation and expect­a­tions for the com­ing six months have deteri­or­ated slightly. By con­trast,...

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CAEF - The European Foundry Association

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