We’ve rebranded! CAEF is now EFF — European Foundry Federation Explore our new website: eff-eu.org Important: This website will no longer be updated (except for “Downloads/Links”). Please use the new site for all future references.
June 2019: Downward trend, but still on a bearable level The deterioration of the European Foundry Industry Sentiment in June was less marked than the slowdown of the Business Climate Indicator. Both the assessment of the current status and the...
May 2019: Broadly stable The downward trend of the European Foundry Industry Sentiment is diminishing. This is in contrast to the decrease of the Business Climate Indicator for the euro area. Both current status and expectations of the European Foundry...
April 2019: Current situation and perspectives under pressure The European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) illustrates that the foundries are increasingly confronted by a downward trend. This development is similar to the declining...
March 2019: Political uncertainties are limiting the perspectives The European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) has passed the economic peak in September 2018. Compared with the Business Climate for the whole industry in the Euro area, the...