We’ve rebranded! CAEF is now EFF — European Foundry Federation Explore our new website: eff-eu.org Important: This website will no longer be updated (except for “Downloads/Links”). Please use the new site for all future references.
February2021: Recovery picks up significantly The Business Climate Indicator increases by a significant 3.4 index points in February, reaching a value of 104.7 points. Only once in the past ten years the industry has reported a higher increase within one...
The safety and health of employees in foundries has top priority. Further improving the high standards is a vital part of our activities. Therefore, we support the European Network for Silica (NEPSI) and participate in their biennial reporting. NEPSI...
January 2021: European foundries start the new year with a positive momentum After the European Foundry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) already closed the previous year with a positive signal, it increased by significant 1.1 index points in January. This...
December 2020: European foundries close the crisis year with a cautiously positive signal After the European Foundry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) took a break in the recovery process in the previous month, it increased moderately again at the end of the...
At the end of 2020, shortly before the end of the post-Brexit transition period, negotiations between the UK and the EU have seen a new dynamic. As a result of complex negotiations, and after both parties had once again expressed their strong commitment to...
November 2020: So far no further collapse despite exploding numbers of Covid-19 cases In November, the European Foundry Sentiment Indicator (FISI) remains at the previous month’s level. The minimal decline of 0.1 index points to the level of 99.6 is...