European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In Novem­ber 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) edged down slightly, mov­ing from 90.0 in Novem­ber to 89.6. This decline under­scores the ongo­ing chal­lenges within the foundry sec­tor, exacer­bated by eco­nomic and geo­pol­it­ical tur­bu­lence. Mean­while, the Busi­ness Cli­mate Indic­ator (BCI) dis­played a mod­est improve­ment, rising from ‑0.93 to ‑0.77, indic­at­ing cau­tious optim­ism in broader indus­trial expectations.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In Octo­ber 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a sig­ni­fic­ant drop, fall­ing to 90.0 index points from 93.8 in Septem­ber. This decline marks one of the sharpest monthly down­turns of the year, under­scor­ing the worsen­ing chal­lenges faced by the foundry sector.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In Septem­ber 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) saw a fur­ther decrease, slip­ping to 93.8 index points. This rep­res­ents a drop of 1.0 points com­pared to the pre­vi­ous month’s read­ing of 94.8, con­tinu­ing the gradual down­ward trend observed in recent months.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In August 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a slight decline, fall­ing to 94.8 index points. This rep­res­ents a decrease of 0.7 points com­pared to the pre­vi­ous month, where the index stood at 95.5.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In July 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) saw a slight upward move­ment, rising to 95.5 index points. This rep­res­ents an increase of 1.0 point com­pared to the pre­vi­ous month, where the index stood at 94.5.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In June 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a slight decrease to 94.5 index points. This devel­op­ment reflects the third con­sec­ut­ive decrease for the FISI, with the index exper­i­en­cing a down­ward move­ment of 0.2 points, set­tling at 94.5 com­pared to 94.7 in the pre­vi­ous month.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In May 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a minor decrease to 94.7 index points. This devel­op­ment reflects the second con­sec­ut­ive decrease for the FISI, the index exper­i­ences a down­ward move­ment of 0.4 points, set­tling at 94.7 com­pared to 95.1 in the pre­vi­ous month.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In April 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a decrease to 95.1 index points. After three con­sec­ut­ive increases for the FISI, the index exper­i­ences a decrease of 0.7 index points, set­tling at 95.1 points com­pared to 95.8 points in the pre­vi­ous month.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In March 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced another increase, with an uptick to 95.8 index points. This devel­op­ment reflects the third con­sec­ut­ive increase for the FISI, the index exper­i­ences an increase of 1.8 points, set­tling at 95.8 com­pared to 94.0 in the pre­vi­ous month.

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European Foundry Industry Sentiment

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

In Feb­ru­ary 2024, the European Foundry Industry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) exper­i­enced a pleas­ing surge, with an uptick to 94.0 index points. This devel­op­ment reflects the second con­sec­ut­ive increase for the FISI, the index exper­i­ences an increase of 1.1 points, set­tling at 94.0 com­pared to 92.9 in the pre­vi­ous month.

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General Secretariat
CAEF - The European Foundry Association

Hansaallee 203
40549 Düsseldorf

tel: +49 (0)211 6871 291
fax: +49 (0)211 6871 40291